Friday, January 8, 2016

November 2015

Dear Ministry partners,
Allow us first to thank you for sharing our heart for Kenya and God’s kingdom there! We value you and your partnership in responding to God’s work in Kenya. We would like to take a moment to update you as we reflect on 2015 and anticipate 2016.

We are happy to report that Reflecting God’s Grace Ministries was formally launched in 2015 as a legal entity and has received official recognition as a tax exempt organization. This has several significant impacts on Maria’s work in Kenya. The first is the creation of a board of directors – a small group committed to providing regular counsel, support, direction and encouragement to Maria in expanding the ministry to the women and children of Kenya. Life and ministry in Kenya is complex. Staying faithful to His calling there requires discernment and the listening ears of a community of believers. Thank you for being part of the community.

Also, our status as an official organization has also created financial opportunities. There is a formal rigor to our bookkeeping that we must maintain – many thanks to our treasurer for her efforts and expertise! Many of you have contributed generously to this work in the past – now you can also donate directly to the ministry, and your donation is tax exempt.

In 2015 Maria and Christine traveled together to Kenya. This trip was important in many ways as we build relationships with ministry partners in Kenya. One outcome of working in Kenya this year has been a much clearer sense of the characteristics of partnering ministries that will allow us to impact Kenya over the long-term.

As we look forward to 2016, a central theme for the board is to further mature the direction and focus of the ministry. As you might imagine, there are an enormous number of needs in Kenya, the opportunities are limitless. Maria’s heart and gifting for ministry, and her connections and contacts, are central to our organization’s calling. Please pray for us for wisdom and discernment as we move forward.

As 2015 comes to a close, we are grateful for God’s call and His faithfulness throughout the year; for abundant provisions and mercies in travel, work and ministry; for the thrill and joy of serving a living God as part of a body of believers; and for all that He will do in, thru and for us in the coming months! Please continue to pray for Maria and the people of Kenya. Pray for the orphans there, and for the women who often live and labor in a culture that is harsh and unjust.

If you are able, we would greatly appreciate your contribution to the ministry. Maria’s next trip is planned for January 2016. Our commitment is to extend any resources that you invest in the ministry in thoughtful ways that bring an abundant return in lives impacted.


Maria Allewelt,
For the Board of Reflecting God’s Grace Ministries

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