Jambo Friends!
This is a small example of a typical conversation I have with some of the local people. Ali, the fisherman delivers fresh fish to my place, our conversation goes like this.
Maria: Hi Ali, how are you?
Ali: Fine Mama Maria, how are you?
Maria: Doing well, thank you. Do you have some fish today?
Ali: No, Mama Maria, too much wind, another day. (Tell that a customer at Giant Eagle)
Monday afternoon, phone call
Maria: Hi Ali, how are you?
Ali: Doing well.
Maria: Ali, will Mama Maria eat some fish today?
Ali: Yes, Mama Maria will eat fish today. How many kilo can I bring, 3,5,10 kg
Maria: Good, Ali, I am happy you got some fish. Can you bring me 3 kg (about 6 pounds) please!
Ali delivers the fish and our conversation goes like this:
Maria: How is your family Ali?
Ali: Well thank you. The girls are all in school and my boy is getting stronger.
Maria: How is your wife doing?
Ali: She is well, she gets fatter, like you!
Ali: Sorry, Mama Maria, I will remember the next time.
Maria: Thank you Ali, that's good and you will keep your friends.